P.A.T.H.E Intiative

Providing Access To Higher Education

Speaker 1

The P.A.T.H.E INITIATIVE was strategically developed to address the despairingly lack of representation of minorities in higher education and professional levels beyond. The aforementioned program is designed to complement a pre-collegiate education, meanwhile instilling and enhancing skills necessary for effective leadership in class, community and life!

As a selected participant in the mentoring program, students will receive an opportunity to hone their knowledge and understanding of an array of developmental topics facilitated by current college students, higher education officials and successful alumni of diverse professions. As an active student participant, you will:

Fundamentals of leadership
Learn effective communication skills
Enhance relevant life skills with students nationwide
Supplement your current education
Be advised by successful college students
Better prepare for higher education
Become an advocate for positive change
Enhance your candidacy for college
Jumpstart the college application process

Each academic year, the Eta Chapter Undergraduate and Alumni Hermanos use money gathered from various fundraising events to provide a underpriveledged youth in our community, a chance to accessing higher education.At Fuerza Latina's annual National Latino Collegiate Conference, the Hermanos invite the inductee to present their touching story and how La Unidad Latina has helped them reach their goal of attending a instituion of higher education.

Last year, we presented it to Lucio Gutierrez, a undocumented young latino male who is fighting for his citzenship. Charlie Silberman, a teacher at the New York State Migrant Education Program, came across Lucio's story and a bond was formed. Charlie decided to take intiaitive and become the legal guardian of Lucio in order to get him his citzenship. The Eta Chapter Hermanos were touched by Charlie and Lucio's extraordinary story and decided to give Lucio the scholarship given his countless hardships he has endured to obtain a education as a undocumented orphan. The members of La Unidad Latina were mentioned in a recent article by Times Union. You can read more about his story in our link provided.

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